Public Services

The Public Services Department helps to keep Douglasville looking beautiful. Within this department you can find more information on the following:

Commercial Waste Service

Residential Waste Service


Yard Waste

Special Pick-Ups & Appliances

Senior Citizen Information

Report a Concern Form

Department Directors Report

Right of Way (ROW) Permits & Requirements

Utility ROW Permit Application

This Permit is for Utility contractors wishing to install, repair or maintain Utilities within the ROW of the City of Douglasville. This Permit does not include Road Cuts. Road Cut Permits are issued separately. Please email with questions.


Can I pay my commercial sanitation bill online?

Yes. As of February 2017, commercial sanitation customers can pay their bill online.

Do I need to call for a special pickup for my yard waste?

No special pickup is necessary. Yard waste is picked up weekly on your scheduled sanitation day. Please do not hold yard waste for Spring and Fall Cleanup. Brushes, vines and small limbs no longer that 5 feet or 6 inches in diameter may be placed by the curb. Grass clippings and leaves must be bagged, preferably in biodegradable bags.

How am I billed for my sanitation service?

Monthly fees for the sanitation service are charged to your water bill each month.

How are sanitation pickups handled on holidays?

The City of Douglasville will not perform trash collection on the following holidays if they fall on a normal pickup day:

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Veteran’s Day
  • Thanksgiving holidays (2 days)
  • Christmas holidays (2 days)

During the holiday week, regular collection dates may be altered. Please refer to the info-graphic at the bottom of these FAQ's.

Additionally, due to the increased volume during the holidays, missed pick-ups may not be available until the following week. Please have your container at the curb before 7:00 am for pick up.

Christmas trees may be placed at the curb separate from your household garbage for recycling for two weeks after Christmas on your scheduled pick up day.

Christmas trees may also be dropped off for recycling at the Bring One for the Chipper event at Home Depot, located at 7399 Douglas Blvd. Trees may be dropped off from December 26th until the Bring One for the Chipper event on the first Saturday in January from 9am to 3pm.

Mulch from Christmas trees is available to all residents. Please contact us if you are interested.


If you have additional questions about the holiday pick up schedule, please contact the Sanitation Department at (770) 920-3005 or email

How do I start my sanitation service?

Please call us at 770-920-3005 or email

Is there a special program available for senior adults?

A special program is available for single-family households in which a senior adult resident is over the age of 64 upon receipt of a completed senior application(PDF, 501KB) and supporting documentation. Documentation required is: proof of age and a copy of the water and sewer bill plus one other utility bill for the requested service address and in the senior applicant’s name.

  • 65-gal. cart, $10.90/mo.

Back door pickup is available to handicapped or special needs residents, with proof of medical condition and no other able-bodied adults living in household.

To set up service complete the Senior Citizen Applications(PDF, 501KB), and send by email or mail to:

P.O. Box 219
Douglasville, GA 30135

If you have questions about your service please contact us by email or call 770-920-3005.

What are my sanitation options/rates?

The City of Douglasville offers its residents two options for the collection and disposal of household garbage:

  1. 90-gal. cart, $24.53/mo.
  2. 65-gal. cart, $21.26/mo.

Residents who have Option 1 (90-gal. cart) and find their weekly garbage does not fit into the container may elect to order a second container for an additional fee:

  • Additional 65-gal. cart, $4.79/mo. or
    Additional 90-gal. cart, $7.08/mo.

What do I do with excess garbage that will not fit in my cart?

Excess garbage that will not fit in your cart (lid must be completely closed) may be placed beside your cart in closed plastic bags and attached with a City of Douglasville Sanitation Sticker that is visible from the street.

What time will my garbage be picked up?

Pick up times vary. All residents should have their City of Douglasville carts (no personal containers may be used) placed at the curb by 7:00 am on your scheduled collection day.

When is my curbside recycling picked up?

Curbside recycling is no longer offered in the City of Douglasville. Please refer to our Keep Douglasville Beautiful website for recycling options available.

Where do I get the City Sanitation Stickers for my excess garbage?

Stickers may be purchased at City Hall (6695 Church Street) at a cost of $1 each and sold in lots of five.

Why was my garbage not picked up?

Garbage must fit in cart with lid completely closed and be at the curb by 7:00 am. Carts that are not at the curb by 7:00 am or have lids that are not completely closed may not be picked up. If you had your cart on the street by 7:00 AM with the lid closed and your pickup was still missed please call 770-920-3005 or email

Will you pick up appliances or bulky items?

The City will pickup large items for a minimum fee of $25. Please call to schedule a special pickup.

Residential Waste Services