The City of Douglasville will not perform trash collection on the following holidays if they fall on a normal pickup day:
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King Day
- Juneteenth
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veteran’s Day
- Thanksgiving holidays (2 days)
- Christmas holidays (2 days)
During the holiday week, regular collection dates may be altered. Please refer to the info-graphic at the bottom of these FAQ's.
Additionally, due to the increased volume during the holidays, missed pick-ups may not be available until the following week. Please have your container at the curb before 7:00 am for pick up.
Christmas trees may be placed at the curb separate from your household garbage for recycling for two weeks after Christmas on your scheduled pick up day.
Christmas trees may also be dropped off for recycling at the Bring One for the Chipper event at Home Depot, located at 7399 Douglas Blvd. Trees may be dropped off from December 26th until the Bring One for the Chipper event on the first Saturday in January from 9am to 3pm.
Mulch from Christmas trees is available to all residents. Please contact us if you are interested.
If you have additional questions about the holiday pick up schedule, please contact the Sanitation Department at (770) 920-3005 or email